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Benefits of Provider GrowthX

As a provider, attracting new Medicare patients is essential for the growth and sustainability of your practice. However, it can be challenging to navigate the complex Medicare system and attract new patients while keeping costs down. That's where EasyHealth can help. Our GrowthX platform generates higher conversion rates, drives net new attributable Medicare members, and lowers the cost per acquisition.

Marketing to potential patients can be expensive. By using GrowthX to generate new Medicare patient Medicare Prospects, providers can reduce their acquisition costs significantly. We can help providers connect with them more efficiently and effectively. Using a dynamic digital form engine, we are constantly testing for questions that predict patient eligibility, intent, & retention.

We specialize in serving the senior population, which makes them an excellent resource for providers looking to attract Medicare patients. By partnering with us, providers gain access to a targeted patient population, making it easier to generate higher conversion rates and drive net new attributable Medicare members. Here are top 3 benefits of working with EasyHealth.

1. Driving Intent With Custom Scripting 

Our team will work with you to create customized outreach scripts built with you to highlight your unique value proposition to the 100K+ unique Medicare members we touch monthly. Our smart scripting platform enables quick A/B testing and context driven conversations for better transfers. 

2. Direct Scheduling Capability

We can integrate with your existing systems and scheduling tools. We schedule office visits and tours directly with your practices to streamline the patient experience and reduce administrative burden on you, allowing your team to focus on providing quality patient care.

3. Patient Engagement Services

We can send text message reminders to drive higher show rates and keep members engaged with their providers. All of EasyHealth messaging and engagement campaigns are fully customizable.

Bonus Benefit: 

Medicare Compliance

We are experts in Medicare regulations and requirements. Medicare regulations and requirements can be complex and ever-changing, making it difficult for providers to keep up. As a former Medicare agency, we have expertise in the Medicare system, including regulations, requirements, and compliance issues. We can help them navigate the system more effectively and avoid costly mistakes.

GrowthX can help you generate higher conversion rates, drive net new attributable Medicare members, and lower the cost per acquisition. By partnering with us, you gain access to a targeted patient population, expertise in Medicare regulations and requirements, reduced marketing costs, improved patient retention, increased referrals, and streamlined administrative processes. By taking advantage of these benefits, providers can grow their practice, provide quality patient care, and ensure long-term sustainability.

If you are interested in growing your Medicare patient population, please do not hesitate to contact us to learn more and initiate the process.